I represent a health organization seeking to utilize the APMIS platform as a transformational tool in creating joyful healthcare experiences within our healthcare organization for all our stakeholders.

I manage a hospital/hospital network, pharmacy, diagnostic center, dental, physiotherapy clinic, etc.


To make my health organization easy to manage, improve efficiency and increase profitability.

Make my organization the best place to work in, improve communication between patients,/clients, administration and staff.

To reduce the necessity for patient/clients to walk back and forth in order to receive care or services and improve the feedback system for patient/client interaction with my health organization in order to easily identify and tackle complaints.

Reduce overhead expenses and payroll burden.

To Increase patient/client satisfaction and word of mouth recommendation for my organization’s services.


We help reduce paper work and processes required to manage the organization and provide mechanism to monitor input, output and processes of your organization services.

Staff Welfare

Implementation of on-premise continuous professional development for all employees and provided decision support tools to aid improved performance outcome.

Patient Care

Enable and encourage electronic payment in order to improve transparency thereby, reducing drastically time wasted in “waiting” to enjoy services in your hospital.

What You Need

APMIS Mobile

APMIS Health Ins. Platform

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